About Peter
I have 25 years’ experience in helping people work through relationship issues, life’s turning points, and problematic behaviours, helping them move forward with their lives. While maintaining my private practice, I have also worked with organisations including Banyule and Your Community Health services, Gambler’s Help and Beyond Blue to continually challenge and refine my counselling skills and practice.
My Approach
I am an experienced practitioner, using Emotion Focussed Therapy to help people resolve issues in areas such as relationship issues, addiction, trauma, and anxiety and depression. I work with emotions and “in the moment” responses, as I find attending to these felt responses can help unpack and guide the resolution of issues that may be preventing you living life to its fullest.
Specialist course in Integrative Couples Therapy, Relationships Australia, 2020
Master of Counselling and Human Services, La Trobe University, 2009
Grad. Dip. of Counselling and Human Services, La Trobe University, 2003
Dip. of Community Services (Welfare Studies), RMIT, 2000
Relationship, couples and interpersonal counselling
Addictions counselling, including problem gambling
Trauma counselling
Grief and loss counselling
Clinical supervision
Tertiary education in counselling
Professional Training
Clinical Supervision Training, The Bouverie Centre, 2016
Emotion focussed therapy training, La Trobe University
Clinical member of College of Counselling, PACFA (Psychotherapists & Counsellors Federation of Australia) Registration No. 21440.
Sessional Educator, Australian College of Applied Psychology
Therapeutic Counsellor, Banyule Community Health and Your Community Health
Youth Counsellor, Youth Substance Abuse Service (YSAS)
Beyond Blue & Directline Telephone Counselling Service
Drug and Alcohol Case Manager, St Vincent de Paul